Latest Publication2014/12
Latest issue of Journal of Strategic and Security Analyses (JSSA) is released! Policy Insights |
Latest News▌2015/03/12 The 117th JSSA Editorial Committee Meeting (09:00 at IIR)
▌2014/11/26 The 116th JSSA Editorial Committee Meeting (10:00 at IIR) ▌2014/11/20 The 115th JSSA Editorial Committee Meeting (10:00 at IIR) ▌2014/10/25 The 114th JSSA Editorial Committee Meeting (10:00 at IIR) ▌2014/09/17 The 113th JSSA Editorial Committee Meeting (10:00 at IIR) ▌2014/09/2-3 Event: 2014 Workshop On Strategic Trade Controls has been successfully held in Taipei by USCSCAP and CSCAP Taiwan ▌2014/08/26 The 112th JSSA Editorial Committee Meeting (10:00 at IIR) ▌2014/07/25 The 111th JSSA Editorial Committee Meeting (10:00 at IIR) ▌2014/06/17 The 110th JSSA Editorial Committee Meeting (11:00 at IIR) ▌2014/05/27 The 109th JSSA Editorial Committee Meeting (11:00 at IIR) ▌2014/04/22 The 108th JSSA Editorial Committee Meeting (11:00 at IIR) ▌2014/03/28 The 107th JSSA Editorial Committee Meeting (11:00 at IIR) ▌2014/02/17 The 106th JSSA Editorial Committee Meeting (11:00 at IIR) ▌2014/01/30 The 105th JSSA Editorial Committee Meeting (10:00 at IIR) ▌2013/12/31 The 104th JSSA Editorial Committee Meeting (10:00 at IIR) ▌2013/12/13 The 103th JSSA Editorial Committee Meeting (10:00 at IIR) ▌2013/11/20 The 102th JSSA Editorial Committee Meeting (10:00 at IIR) ▌2013/10/14 Vietnam - Taiwan Dialogue (14:30 at IIR) ▌2013/10/08 The 101th JSSA Editorial Committee Meeting (10:00 at IIR) ▌2013/08/30 Event: 2013 Workshop On Strategic Trade Controls has been successfully held in Taipei by USCSCAP and CSCAP Taiwan ▌2013/09/02 The 100th JSSA Editorial Committee Meeting (9:30 at IIR) ▌2013/08/14 The 99th JSSA Editorial Committee Meeting (14:00 at IIR) ▌2013/07/17 The 98th JSSA Editorial Committee Meeting (10:00 at IIR) ▌2013/06/11 The 97th JSSA Editorial Committee Meeting (14:30 at IIR) ▌2013/06/03 Representatives attending the 27th Asia-Pacific Roundtable in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. |
Forthcoming Events▌2014/07 18th WMD Study Group
▌2014/06 41st CSCAP Steering Committee Meeting ▌2014/05 Study gorup Philippines Bilateral workshop ▌2013/11 Taiwan - Vietnam Dialogue ▌2013/12 40th CSCAP Steering Committee Meeting |